PhD in Psychology Neuroscience and Data Science
ProfessorSetti Ilaria


This project will be aimed at studying the main stressors among high-school teachers, and their impact on two main effects, respectively positive (job satisfaction) and negative (job burnout). The independent variables will include mistreatment and also physical violence by both students and parents. Several mediators and moderators will be taken into account, in terms for example of coping strategies and resilience. Particular attention will be given to this last variable: both individual and group resilience will be analyzed, where group resilience represents the main innovative aspects of this study, since it is less studied in general and, in particular, in this professional population.

The study will be carried out in some high-schools placed in a city of Northern Italy, with the aim to expand the research to all the schools of the city. The project involves the use of statistical software SPSS (for basic and descriptive analyses) and MPlus (for mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation models).